body language

Does it really matter our body language to everyone else? What does it tell you about someone the way they move? Body language sometimes express our true feelings about something or someone. Without us even knowing that we’re doing it. Our body language depends on our emotions, as our emotions depends on our body language. That’s the way we communicate who we really are to others, projecting our personality with our nonverbal communication. Leaving it to their personal judgment about our “Body Language“.

It is important being confident with our movements, due to the fact that it’s the first thing that people will judge about us, when they see us.

“Our nonverbals govern how other people think and feel about us”

Amy Cuddy

Body Language – Changes – Minds – Change – Behavior – Changes – Outcomes

(Chain Reaction)

With nonverbal communication we can tell who has high power poses and low power poses. Making them feel powerful or powerless. As teachers our verbal and nonverbal communication skills have to be good in order to establish a good rapport with our students. Letting them know that we are there to create a supportive, productive learning environment. A few tips to make students feel confident are:

• Stand up straight

• Smile

• Use the whole classroom space

• Avoiding folding your arms

• Make eye contact

Where and how you act in the class would determinate how your students would feel about you.

In conclusion, Body Language talks about who you are as a person without saying a word to anyone. And this nonverbal communication would represent how you really feel inside expressing your emotions through movements. So you have to be careful with your movements or at least be aware of them, because you don’t want to give a different message from the real one. People are always going to judge you even if you don’t like it, depends on you what you actually want to project.

Por: teacher Patricio Santacruz, Inglés Individual Morelia.

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